The Suffolk sheep is a black-faced, open-faced breed of domestic sheep raised primarily for meat. Suffolks were originally developed in England as the result of crossing Southdown rams on Norfolk Horned ewes. The product of this cross was an improvement over both parent breeds. They are a large breed of sheep. Mature weights for rams range from 250 to 350 lb (110 to 160 kg), ewe weights vary from 180 to 350 lb (80 to 160 kg). Fleece weights from mature ewes are between 5 and 8 lb (2.3 and 3.6 kg), with a yield of 50% to 62%. The fleeces are considered medium wool in type, with a fiber diameter of 25.5 to 33 microns and a spinning count of 48 to 58. They have black faces and legs, a large frame, and are highly muscular. The staple length of ranges from 2.0 to 3.5 in (51 to 89 mm).