Molly McGee (Ashly Burch) is the titular main protagonist of The Ghost and Molly McGee. She is a 13-year-old Thai-American girl who befriends a grumpy ghost named Scratch, who after a curse he tries to put on her backfires, ends up cursed forever by Molly's presence. Molly is a Thai-American teenage girl of medium height, medium-length brown hair, and dark brown almond-shaped eyes. She wears her hair up in a short ponytail with a pink band. Molly wears a ripped jean vest with a teal pin, a white and black ringer shirt, a pink and purple skirt, and black biker shorts, and a pink hairband. She wears pink and yellow sneakers. She also has a purple bracelet. Molly is shown to be pretty athletic, scoring lots of stars as a Wilder-Scout. She's also one of the few characters in the series who isn't scared of anything that's horrifying.