Ice Kev & Friends is a US Animated TV show on Scratch. The show takes place in a world with every non-human animal. The main characters include: Ice Kev, a blue African bush elephant with a tendency to take out his computer at the wrong time, Dan, an easygoing pygmy three-toed sloth who likes to do things very ssslllooowwwlllyyy, Hugo, an easygoing purple river hippopotamus, Stripes, a shy but friendly cape mountain zebra, Molly, an adventurous pink common bottlenose dolphin, Wanda, a self-confident purple Atlantic salmon, Olly, a mother hyacinth macaw who is very friendly, Snowdrift, a father polar bear who is also a good chef, Radley, a brown rat with a tendency to bring cheese anywhere he wants to, Tiggy, a brown Bengal tiger who is a good guy\bad guy, George, a seriously strong western lowland gorilla who is famous for his titular game, Charlie, a silly eastern chimpanzee, Snapping Boom Boom, a rowdy alligator snapping turtle who is mad at Ice Kev for selling him a hat made from a badger, the Tough Animal Squad, a group of animals working for Lionel Lion, The six members include Morton the bison, Humphrey the camel, Kooky the shark, Waddles the penguin, Loy the anteater, and Billy the goat, Lionel Jr., a power-hungry Masai lion who is Lionel's son, and Lionel, a power-hungry Masai lion who is armed (or pawed).
All items (525)
- Aardvark
- Adelie Penguin
- African Black Duck
- African Black Leopard
- African Buffalo
- African Bullfrog
- African Bush Elephant
- African Crested Porcupine
- African Fish Eagle
- African Forest Buffalo
- African Forest Elephant
- African Golden Wolf
- African Hawk-Eagle
- African Leopard
- African Manatee
- African Penguin
- African Rock Python
- African Softshell Turtle
- African Spurred Tortoise
- Agile Wallaby
- Alaskan Moose
- Allen's Swamp Monkey
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Alpaca
- American Alligator
- American Bison
- American Black Bear
- American Black Duck
- American Bulldog
- American Bullfrog
- American Crocodile
- American Eskimo Dog
- American Flamingo
- American Hog-nosed Skunk
- American Pygmy Goat
- American Quarter Horse
- American Red Fox
- American Red Squirrel
- American Yorkshire Pig
- Anglo-Nubian Goat
- Angora Rabbit
- Antarctic Silverfish
- Aoudad
- Arabian Horse
- Arabian Oryx
- Arctic Fox
- Asian Elephant
- Asian Water Monitor
- Asiatic Cheetah
- Asiatic Lion
- Atlantic Blue Crab
- Atlantic Flyingfish
- Atlantic Walrus
- Aurochs
- Australian Cattle Dog
- Australian Kelpie
- Australian Sea Lion
- Aye-Aye
- Baird's Tapir
- Bald Eagle
- Bali Cattle
- Ball Python
- Banteng
- Barbary Macaque
- Barn Spider
- Bat-eared Fox
- Bearded Vulture
- Bengal Tiger
- Black and Rufous Elephant Shrew
- Black Caiman
- Black Howler
- Black Jaguar
- Black Rat
- Black Rhinoceros
- Black Wildebeest
- Black-backed Jackal
- Black-capped Squirrel Monkey
- Black-footed Ferret
- Black-footed Gray Langur
- Black-headed Spider Monkey
- Bloodhound
- Blue and Yellow Macaw
- Blue Poison Frog
- Blue Whale
- Blue Wildebeest
- Boa Constrictor
- Boer Goat
- Bonobo
- Border Leicester Sheep
- Bornean Clouded Leopard
- Bornean Orangutan
- Bornean Pygmy Elephant
- Bowhead Whale
- Brazilian Porcupine
- Brazilian Tapir
- Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Brown Rat
- Brown Woolly Monkey
- Brown-mantled Tamarin
- Brown-throated Sloth
- Budgerigar
- Burchell's Zebra
- Burmese Python
- Bush-antlered Deer
- Calico Cat
- California Condor
- California Quail
- California Sea Lion
- Camargue Horse
- Canada Goose
- Cape Porcupine
- Caribou
- Caterpillar
- Cattle Egret
- Celebes Crested Macaque
- Chapman's Zebra
- Cheetah
- Cheviot Sheep
- Chinese Goose
- Chinese Pangolin
- Cinereous Vulture
- Clouded Leopard
- Clydesdale Horse
- Cobalt Blue Tarantula
- Commerson's Dolphin
- Common Bottlenose Dolphin
- Common Chimpanzee
- Common Eland
- Common Frog
- Common Hippopotamus
- Common Leopard Gecko
- Common Marmoset
- Common Octopus
- Common Seahorse
- Common Toad
- Common Vampire Bat
- Congo Peafowl
- Cotton-top Tamarin
- Coyote
- Cross River Gorilla
- Crowned Lemur
- Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman
- East African Bush Elephant
- East Pacific Red Octopus
- Eastern Black Rhinoceros
- Eastern Blue-tongued Skink
- Eastern Cottontail
- Eastern Grey Kangaroo
- Eastern Lowland Gorilla
- Eastern Moose
- Eastern White-bearded Wildebeest
- Eastern Wolf
- Egyptian Vulture
- Emerald Tree Boa
- Emperor Penguin
- Emperor Tamarin
- Ethiopian Wolf
- Eurasian Brown Bear
- Eurasian Griffon Vulture
- Eurasian Lynx
- Eurasian Moose
- Eurasian Red Squirrel
- Eurasian Wolf
- European Green Lizard
- European Hamster
- European Hare
- European Rabbit
- European Red Fox