Zoo tycoon movie Wikia
Zoo tycoon movie Wikia

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens, often shortened to simply Cincinnati Zoo, is a big zoo in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their mammals include hippopotamuses, lowland gorillas, Asian elephants, masai giraffes, red kangaroos, African lions, black rhinoceroses, Grévy's zebras, Malayan tigers, Chinese red pandas, arctic foxes, and southern two-toed sloths. Their birds include greater flamingos, golden eagles, barred owls, red-tailed hawks, bald eagles, ruppell's griffon vultures, great horned owls, green-winged macaws, blue and gold macaws, Moluccan cockatoos, king penguins, Cape penguins, little penguins, a passenger pigeon funeral, and ostriches. Their reptiles include saltwater crocodiles, American alligators, American crocodiles, alligator snapping turtles and Komodo dragons. Their amphibians include poison dart frogs. Their fish include bass and Florida gar. Their invertebrates include uncrushable beetles and Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Animals previously held here include the Sumatran rhinoceros.


In 2022, their Asian elephants had only a 1-acre enclosure, with no natural habitat inside their indoor enclosure, and in 2024, they only expanded the exhibit to 5 acres because they received more elephants. In 2016, a three-year-old boy fell into the western lowland gorilla exhibit, and Harambe, one of the three gorillas, who was told to go back indoors, got closer to investigate the boy, he dragged him around the moat, and made him stand, then the zookeepers shot the silverback. Eventually, Binti Jua, one of the female gorillas, dragged the boy to the door to the door to outside the gorilla exhibit. The boy suffered a broken hand, and minor cuts, but would've been dead if Binti didn't rescue him.

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