The bizarre aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is one of the most unusual primates on the planet, so much so that it was originally classified as a rodent. The thick coat of the aye-aye is slate grey to brown with white flecks from the long guard hairs, which are lighter at the tip. The face is paler than the rest of the body with large, leathery ears and striking, yellowish-orange eyes. The hands of the aye-aye are also highly distinctive, having elongated, thin fingers, which bear curved, claw-like nails. In particular, the third digit is so extremely thin that it appears to be little more than skin and bone. The aye-aye is the largest nocturnal primate and has a long, bushy tail. Endemic to Madagascar, the aye-aye is the world's largest nocturnal primate. Unlike other primates, the aye-aye's incisors are ever-growing which prevents the teeth wearing down from gnawing on wood and nuts. The aye-aye's fingers are thin and elongated and it has an extended third digit to locate and extract insect larvae from wood cavities.